
Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Changes of Life


          Did you know that life changes? And sometimes in HUGE ways? When you least expect it? does. If you think it doesn't...then just hold will! Some of those changes are good...discovering a talent you didn't know you had...or the chance of a new career...Some not so good...the death of a beloved grandfather...when your first love tells you it's over...Then there are those changes that are bittersweet...Like your firstborn child's last day of elementary school...

        All of these changes...the good...the bad... the in between... Each one is a chance to re-evaluate your life. Take a moment and see where you are... where you came from... and ask yourself..."Where do I want to go now?" 

        The unexpected in life does serve a changes us... We can no longer stay in our safe little corner any more. Our eyes have been opened to the possibilities of what could be waiting for us! Each time a change happens we HAVE to look up from our path and see the world around us. Look people in the eye...maybe saying that quiet "good by"...letting go of a hand as they take that final breath...or chose a different path.

       The hardest part of the change process for me is the waiting.... Not being able to see outside of my trouble...Not knowing what is going to happen or what may be coming my way. This can be especially scary if you are not in a safe and sheltered space during this time. You might be subject to the whims of the environment... you may get knocked around a bit and not be able to see how you will survive. If you are fortunate to have a safe cove of loved ones to curl up in...and a True Anchor to hold on can rest in peace knowing that you will survive to the end.

       When you make it through whatever trial of change you are in then something glorious happens....You become transformed! You leave behind a shell of your former self and step into the light of a whole new realm of possibility! There really is a light at the end of that tunnel!

      No matter where you are right now...what change you may be facing... Just hold on...there is a grand plan in store for you. You will emerge triumphant and beautiful as long as you stay true to yourself. You are under construction and there is a glorious transformation happening <3

Saturday, March 1, 2014

When Life Hands You....

 Tonight.... I sit in my room and...ponder. I look back over the events of the last 8 weeks. I look at the upcoming events of the month....and I look even the future.
Two months handed me something...and I almost threw it back in her face! I didn't want it... I didn't ask for it. 

But there it was.

Begging me to pick it up... to have a look... to ponder the possibilities.

After a more than fare amount of resistance, I decided to at least acknowledge what it was that life had so unceremoniously shoved under my nose.

While it had a lively color and a refreshing fragrance...the taste was extremely bitter.... at least at first.
I think you know where I am going with this...

Life handed me a lemon....a HUGE lemon!!

What can I do with a lemon? Well... the truth is... a lot!

Lemons truly are an amazingly versatile fruit. Not only are they the perfect cheerful yellow; the oil from their skin is a powerful cleaner and detoxifier("lemons" typically show up when you need to clear something from your life). The zest from the skin can liven up any dish you put it in!
Cut open a lemon and what is the first thing you notice? the fragrance!!! It instantly wakes you up... I can't help but smile when I smell that bright, sharp scent... It goes straight to my head and makes me happy :)
There are so many things you can make with lemons...cakes, pies, cookies....lemon butter sauce for your chicken...

Now... I am looking at recipes... sampling....planning...and dreaming... What am I going to make of this lemon in my lap? 

Instead of puckering up my face and closing my eyes to its bitter taste...I am leaving myself open to all the sweet and savory possibilities.

The next time life hands you a lemon.... what are YOU going to do with it?